FreedomPay Maverick
Brand Identity
Brand strategy and
identity system
Provide FreedomPay with a brand worthy
of their current level of
prestige and ambitious
plans for the future.
Following on from a successful brand repositioning project, global payments leader FreedomPay wanted to quickly overhaul their most important digital asset; their website. With aged stock imagery, confused messaging and a dull colour palette, the site wasn’t representative of FreedomPay’s values, mission or incredible success trajectory. FreedomPay approached Prism with the goal of redesigning and redeveloping their site – in a comparatively short time frame for website projects – and bringing the site into the present day.
Following a creative concept stage, a route was chosen and quickly translated into a best practise digital design framework, alongside a series of bespoke animations designed to clearly articulate the FreedomPay proposition, something the brand had always failed to do well in the past.
To add impact to the home page, a 3D asset was generated, creating a unique and memorable starting point to user journeys across the site.
The website is supported by a clean, bespoked Wordpress CMS that enables FreedomPay stakeholders to easily make updates without a reliance on risky widgets or addons that could compromise the security of the site. With clear annotations and directions on how to use the full functionality of the CMS, the FreedomPay team has been empowered to leverage their digital assets to the max, without the need for extensive digital experience or skills.